Having goals are essential. They give you a direction as to what you want to achieve in the following weeks, months, and years. However, some of us may have TOO many goals that may be preventing us from achieving any of them.. and this is why.
Have you ever wanted to be fit? Silly question, most of us would like to be. (Health is wealth!) The thing with "very fit" that image that comes across in your head may be completely different than the one that comes into mine. The definition of this is all RELATIVE. We all have our own definitions and images in our head of what this is..
So why is it that most of us struggle to get to that goal we perceive in our mind? Oftentimes, it's because we have so many goals on the exterior that may hinder our ability to do so. I'm not only talking about fitness goals, I am talking about life goals too.
There was a time where I wanted to be as strong as possible. But at the same time, I wanted to be the leanest I had ever been. But I also wanted to run 5 miles without a sweat. I also wanted to attain more clients for my business, undergo more personal development, read 5 books a month, increase my income, travel the world, spend time with my family, and the list goes on.
There was nothing wrong with these goals. They were all geared for my success, in health, in my career, in my personal relationships. But BECAUSE I had so many, I found that I was paralyzed and achieved NONE of them. Or if I did, it wasn't to the full capacity that I could have achieved them.
It was through a lot of trial and error that I realized, too many goals can in fact paralyze you and be counterproductive,
When it comes to the gym and your fitness goals, ask yourself, is this a goal I want to prioritize? How realistic is it to achieve this goal given the extraneous circumstances (career, time, family, other priorities) and decide whether its for you.
Hone in on a goal, and do it. When you achieve that one, you can branch out to another. Besides, you can't compete for a powerlifting competition and a marathon at the same time (they each contradict each other in terms of training).
Same concept with life. Its WHOLE-istic. Look at the big picture. See how it fits all together.
Keep Pushing Thru. Only you can stop you.