Fitness is much more than the muscles you exercise at the gym. Thinking of fitness only through these lens can be detrimental in that you focus solely on the physical without realizing the external factors that play a crucial role on this journey.
The strength gainz you acquire come from the weights at the gym, but they also come with what you fuel your body with, how often you let it rest and recover, how frequently you give yourself a mental break.
I talk about all these gainz; strength gainz, food gainz, brain gainz, which are all interconnected. Neglecting one aspect of these will lead to the fall of the others. Without building your brain (i.e mindset) you won't be able to build your body, and without proper food (i.e nutrition) you can't build your strength. If any of these factors are not in sync, the gainz can suffer as a result.
We are out here trying to get all the gainz, physical and mental.